Friday, April 22, 2011

Baby BOY!

My assumptions were correct!  I KNEW I saw something at the 13 week ultrasound, but as we got closer and closer to our appointment yesterday, I started to second guess myself!  Yesterday was one of the most exciting days I've ever experienced.  I was so anxious to get to my appointment, that Greg and I arrived 20 minutes early just to sit in the parking lot and wait some more.  I was so happy when they called us back.  I asked the tech to do everything she could to avoid telling us the gender as we were waiting for my mom to meet us after work!  We watched her take measurements of the head, the spine, the arms, etc.  When my mom got there I let her know that as soon as she wanted to check out the goods, we were ready!

The woman definitely saw that it was a boy before we did!  The angle that he was sitting in (or squirming in) was not the best - but she was able to confirm that it was a little boy!  We are so happy and excited and cannot wait to meet him!  Now, if only we could agree on a name... :)

The little guy

Cute little arm!

I honestly cannot figure out exactly what we are looking at here
...but apparently this was the determining shot!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for baby boy Ingle! I'm proud of you for not moving your ultrasound appointment up because you were anxious to find out! I think I might not have been so patient :)
