Friday, April 1, 2011

Home Birth

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want my birth experience to be like.  At this point in time, Greg and I are pretty sure that this will be our one and only baby, so I want the day to be as special and meaningful as it can possibly be.  (Sorry future additional kid if you are reading this.  We clearly changed our minds - LOVE YOU). 

In talking with friends of mine, watching a few documentaries and doing quite a bit of reading, I've come to the conclusion that the place where I would be the MOST comfortable having this baby, would be in the privacy of our home.  I know it might sound a bit crazy, but hear me out:

1)  I am a big fan of taking baths.  I actually take them daily before showering - Greg thinks I'm a weirdo, but I've always been into bathing  :)  I figure what better way to bring this baby into the world than the place where I spend a significant amount of time?

2)  A lot of the techniques that I have learned in yoga will come in very handy when having a natural birth at home.  I have learned to breathe through pain and to welcome physical discomfort knowing that with pain comes growth.

3)  I want to have this baby naturally, without the temptation of an epidural, and by being at home rather than in a hospital, it would be a lot easier to resist.

We are pretty excited about our choice and are now looking into finding a midwife who would help us through the process!  I will keep you posted as things move along!

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I wonder if I even fooled anyone with that joke?  I had to give it a try!  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am all about avoiding as much pain as I possibly can.  No judgment to the women who have attempted or had a home birth, but that is just not my path :)

Bring on the hospital and bring on the drugs!  :)


  1. You fooled me SO good! All I kept thinking was, "But you love your OB?" Haha Thanks for the laugh, I'm still cracking up at the idea of you taking a bath AND shower every day. The drugs are legal and offered to you and if you have insurance, affordable, so go for it. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I was fooled too! I was thinking, well, good luck with that!!

  3. Yessssss! Success! I just showed the blog to Greg, and as he was reading it, he looked over at me and said, "Is this YOUR blog???".

  4. I immediately thought something must be wrong with your hormones...:)

  5. You got me too! I thought maybe you were on something:) I was just about to call you and lecture on disaster stories of home births! I am glad you were joking.

  6. OMG!! I read this and I was like WTF...this goes against everything we've talked about. You fooled me 3 weeks after April Fools Day. Successful joke!

  7. Hahahah! I was thinking, "no way!". GOOD ONE!
