Wednesday, August 31, 2011

2 Weeks Left...

I've always heard that pregnancy goes by SO fast...until you hit the last month or so.  This rings true for me as well.  I'm willing to bet that the reason for this (other than really feeling pregnant towards the end and wanting to physically feel normal again), is that once everything has been checked off the seemingly never ending to do list, it's just a waiting game.  I thought I would give a quick run down of all that we have accomplished as of late to prepare for Ben's debut:

  • Car seat has been installed and checked for safety
  • We have toured the hospital
  • Our freezer has been cleaned out and stocked full of pre-made or easy to prepare (on 2 hours of sleep) meals
  • Baby monitor camera has been set up and tested
  • All baby gear has been assembled and have working batteries
  • All newborn and 0-3 sized clothing have been washed and are hanging in Ben's closet
  • Bedding = washed
  • A cleaning service is scheduled to come out next week (thanks, Groupon)!
  • Hospital bag has been packed and I'm pre-registered
  • Newborn diapers have been stocked in the changing table
  • All newborn baby necessities (that we "need" from our understanding) have been purchased
  • A Maxwell-sitter (feeder/petter) has been lined up
  • Books have been read, information has been processed
I think that about does it!  I'm getting a haircut this weekend (as it was suggested I might want to take care of that while it's still easy for me to get away).  I am wrapping up the things I need to at work and working with IT to get my work-from-home set up ready to go.  Greg has been putting in a lot of time at work so that he is able to take a week or so off with me when the time comes.  I have been spending almost all of my free time reading, relaxing, and napping - totally soaking up these last days and gearing up for the main event.

I would say we are totally ready now!  The days seem to go by slower and slower and I'm constantly on watch for any labor signs.  As of today, it doesn't seem like anything is moving in that direction, but you never know!  It can happen when you least expect it :)

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