Friday, August 19, 2011

36 Week Appointment....and ANOTHER ultrasound

36 weeks.  Wow.  I still cannot believe how close we are to the end we are.  I still have not experienced contractions (other than Braxton Hicks) or any other labor signs.  Today was the start of my weekly doctor appointments and it was the first time I got "checked".  Apparently Ben's head is "very far down", but my cervix is still closed.  (I had no idea what any of this meant until about 2 weeks ago).

At my appointment, I asked my doctor what my chances of having her at the delivery were, and she said about 75%.  Good odds, or so I thought!  Then she checked my due date and saw that I'm due on her and her husband's 10 year anniversary, for which they planned a 4 day trip - September 16th - 19th. 

When it came time to measure, I, once again, was measuring small.  She measured me around 33 weeks instead of 36 weeks.  This time I was not concerned much, as she said that plenty of women measure small and end up doing several "size less than date" ultrasounds throughout their pregnancies.  Just another opportunity to see Ben!

This time, Greg was able to join me at the ultrasound!  The good news is that the results show that Ben is growing exactly as he should be.  In fact, at 32 weeks he was in the 25th percentile for size, and now he is in the 37th percentile :)  The not as good news is that my amniotic fluid levels are on the low end.  At 32 weeks I was at 11.7 cm (25th percentile) and now I am at 8.7 cm (10th percentile, but still okay).  We then strapped a fetal heartbeat monitor on and confirmed that Ben's heartbeat is super strong :)


I have been instructed to "lay low" this weekend and drink lots and lots of fluids, which I absolutely plan on doing.  I will go in on Monday for ANOTHER ultrasound to make sure my fluid levels aren't dropping further.  I guess if it were to ever get down to a 5-6 cm level, they would bring me in and take Ben out!

I will report back next week!  I hope this info isn't going to influence the pool votes ;)  No cheating, you guys.


  1. Stay in there, Ben! I had the same thing, I was measuring small at the end, had to have extra ultrasounds but it was nice to get to see him again! Turns out he was just a smaller kid, Dylan was only 6 lbs 10 oz. You are getting so close!!

  2. It makes me feel better to know that others have experienced this! I used to be happy when people told me I looked small, but now it worries me! 3 more weeks! Eek!
