Tuesday, March 8, 2011

12 Week Ultrasound

I am still in awe of what Greg and I saw last night - it was unreal.  The ultrasound was probably one of the coolest experiences I have ever had.  I kept saying "WEIRD...." and Greg just sat there with his jaw dropped most of the time! 

Neither of us were quite sure what to expect from this appointment.  I don't think either of us expected to see something that actually looked like a BABY!  But that is exactly what we saw! 

Baby Ingle was jumping up and down nonstop when we caught our first glimpse.  (I later realized it was probably from the glass of orange juice I had before leaving the house).  A bit later he/she started dancing around a bit (Greg's genes) and finally settled down enough (kicked back with it's leg's crossed - cute) to get some pictures and measurements. 

According to the ultrasound tech she thinks I was approximately 12 weeks and 3 days yesterday, which is about 3-4 days further along than what my doctor and I originally calculated.  I will probably just stick with the 9/20 due date though unless I am told otherwise.  We all know babies rarely stick to the day they are due!

Below are the pictures we got to take home with us:

Baby's profile

Cute little foot!

Baby's face

Face picture #2


  1. It is so crazy to compare these pictures to your first ultrasound picture you got down in San Diego. I love it!

  2. I KNOW! To think it can go from a little blobby circle to a person with a head, a body and limbs (that can jump up and down) is incredible.

  3. Love! This was my most favorite ultrasound ever, and if I remember correctly, this was the day that become my newest "best day of my life" up until that point. Surpassed our wedding day and everything. Can you even believe how much the baby changes in just a few weeks?!
