Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Has Been Keeping Me (Semi)-Sane - YOGA.

Oh yoga.  How I love thee.  For anyone who knows me, you know that yoga is my favorite hobby and quite a passion of mine.  Up until about a month ago, I had been teaching 2 classes a week at Hot Yoga of Mill Creek, a studio I have been teaching at for about two and a half years. 

Unfortunately, due to the utter exhaustion I was feeling during my first trimester, (and continue to experience at a lesser degree now), plus the way the heat in the studio was making me feel (dizzy/nauseous), I just had to take myself off the schedule for awhile until it made sense to go back.  Working full time was just about all I wanted to commit myself to at the time. 

Being away from my students and that environment was more difficult for me to adjust to than I had originally thought!  While I appreciated the extra downtime and sleep it allowed, something very important in my life was missing!  A few weeks ago, I started teaching again at Bindi Yoga, a studio that my great friends Susan and Michelle opened up.  I am only teaching one class a week (Saturdays at 10 am - come see me!) and the class is in a studio with much less heat - and let me tell you , it feels GREAT to be back!

Although I am only 13.5 weeks into my pregnancy, I can already tell the benefits I am and will receive from yoga will be huge.  When I take the time to do my own practice - whether asana (physical postures) or just sitting to meditate for a few minutes - the difference in my mood and how I feel physically is drastically different!  Additionally, I have not yet experienced ANY of the aches and pains that some of my friends have told me they experienced in the first/second trimester.  Perhaps I'm lucky - but I honestly think that my history of yoga before and during pregnancy is playing a huge role in how I'm feeling.

So if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or if you are not interested in pregnancy whatsoever - I encourage all of you to try to make some amount of time for some deep breaths and some downward dogs.



  1. Here's hoping the baby's first word is Ommmm.

  2. I totally want to do yoga the next time I'm pregnant! I wish I had time for it now, maybe once I'm done with school I'm take a class.
