Monday, July 18, 2011

2 Months To Go...

...Actually, less than 2 months.  I'm still in shock over how fast my pregnancy has gone by (and yes, I realize I say that a lot on this blog).  I just thought it would feel like it was lasting FOREVER (and maybe it still will feel that way as I reach the final month), but so far - it still seems to be zipping by. 

We are feeling pretty prepared for the most part, at least in terms of "what needs to be done".  Ben's room has come together nicely, which was all part of my master plan in the beginning :)  I'm so glad we have the big projects out of the way and that we aren't worrying about finding time to take care of them now.  There are still a few things I would like to do in there, but we have plenty of time left for that.  I have started ordering a box of diapers each month from Amazon in efforts to stock up a little.  We have also started making our future weekly daycare payment directly into our savings account so we become used to paying that bill, (and so that we have a little extra saved up).  All in all, we are crossing things off our my list and are getting really excited about having him here!

Mentally, I'm starting to think more about what it is going to be like in the first couple weeks - starting with labor (when will it happen, what will I be doing, how much pain will I be in, will the epidural hurt?) and going all the way through the first few weeks.  I would have to say that I'm mostly concerned with the lack of sleep and if Ben and I will do okay with breast feeding.  But other than that, I'm REALLY excited to have a little guy to snuggle with and stare at :)  I'm also wondering if Greg will cry when he sees his son for the first time, haha.  I have NOT seen him shed a tear ONCE in the nearly 7 years we have been together.  I think this may be my last shot.

Physically, I can tell that I'm approaching the end and starting to reach the "totally over being pregnant" phase.  I'm lucky that I still feel really good 90% of the time.  I feel bad complaining about anything because I know how much worse it can and has been for others, but here are a few observations/complaints anyway:

  • Record number of night time bathroom runs.  I think I counted 6 last night.  It is SO irritating when you are comfortable and feel as if you JUST went, to have to get up yet again!  I realize that with Ben's size and position, it's very possible that each time he moves it is effecting my bladder, but it is still annoying. 

  • Painful baby movement.  I know he isn't trying to, but sometimes his kicks, rolls or booty-bumps are seriously uncomfortable.  I notice it the most at night when I'm lying on my side, and have had to get up and get onto all fours a couple times now to make him stop it. 

  • ZZZZZ - I'm still more tired than usual, similar to the first trimester, but I think different in the sense that I am VERY aware that these are my last few months of carefree slumber.  I am clinging to my bedtime like crazy and always trying my hardest to ensure that I get as much sleep as possible each night.  I'm typically ready for pajamas by 7pm ;)

  • While I have *so far* avoided swelling, leg cramps, and back pain, it is noticeably harder for me to get up from a reclined position (grunting is often involved) and my belly just feels HEAVY.  Yoga, at least the kind I'm used to, is getting more and more challenging.  I'm also still experiencing pain in my tailbone after sitting for longer than an hour.

  • I've finally determined the cause of my heartburn - lemonade!  I NEVER used to drink it before getting pregnant, and it really wasn't until the middle of my second trimester that I became obsessed with it!  It seems now that the only time I experience heart burn is on the days that I have lemonade (and yet, that still isn't enough to stop me from drinking it all together).

  • My hormones seem to have leveled out a little bit.  I still find myself getting more impatient than normal (and I'm already very impatient).  When a waiter takes too long to take our order, or if traffic is backed up for no apparent reason, I feel like I might lose my mind.  (I should probably dig out my old copy of The Yoga Sutras and practice the art of being zen...)  It seems the second I get overwhelmed, my response to that feeling is to be highly irritable.  I'm working on it...
That's about it for now.  Stay tuned...

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